Results for 'Význam Výskumu Kultúry Pre Teóriu Socializmu'

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  1. Filozofické otázky kultúry a umenia.Význam Výskumu Kultúry Pre Teóriu Socializmu - 1979 - Filozofia 34 (1):16.
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    Význam praxe pre teóriu: Rekonštrukcia argumentu alasdaira macintyra.Marian Kuna - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (9).
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    Sémantika vlastných mien (I).Má Teória Významu Vlastných Mien Význam - 2000 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 7 (3):257-280.
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  4. Zamyslenie nad modernou spoločnosťou a poukázanie na význam zodpovednosti pre jednotlivca I pre spoločnosť.Jednotlivca I. Pre Spoločnosť - 2002 - Filozofia 57 (6-10):596.
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    Zmeny v hodnotových systémoch v kontexte kazdodennej kultúry. Výsledky výskumu v roku 1992.Peter Salner - 1994 - Human Affairs 4 (1):94-94.
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    Význam a interpretace Petra Koťátka.Petr Glombíček - 2008 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 15 (1):51-74.
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  7. Význam slova.John Austin - 1998 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 5 (3):250-265.
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    Frege o význame.Marián Zouhar - 1997 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 4 (1):15-38.
    Though Fregeś second semantical theory is worked out excellently, he did not precisely and explicitly answer the question, which of the two semantical notions he used in his semantics - sense and reference -, could be taken as proper explication of an intuitive notion of meaning. Intuitively, meaning of a word can be connected with an understanding of the word: if we understand the word, we know its meaning. Our problem seems to be accute in connection with present tendency to (...)
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    Testovateľnosť a význam observačných a teoretických termínov.Lukáš Bielik - 2011 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 18 (3):384-397.
    Carnap’s analysis of the language of science had presupposed too close a connection between the semantics and testability. The core problem of the logical empiricist tradition was to show how to provide the interpretation of theoretical terms and hence the explanation of their application to observable entities by means of observation terms. It is argued that the utilization of a much more expressive semantic theory which identifies meanings with hyperintensional entities leads to a clarification of the competencies of semantics and (...)
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  10. R. Carnap, Význam A Nevyhnutnosť.Marie Duží - 2008 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 15 (2):261-273.
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  11. Popper o presnosti a význame.Karl Popper - 1995 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 2 (1):78-81.
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  12. M. Zouhar, Význam v kontexte (recenzia). [REVIEW]J. Mácha - 2012 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 19 (4):548-557.
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  13. Dezider Kamhal, Význam a jazyková prax. [REVIEW]Marián Zouhar - 2004 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 11 (2):217-223.
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    Homonymie, de dicto/de re a význam.Duží Marie - 2001 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 8 (3):235-251.
    The paper completes a “serial” of my contributions to the hot problems of current semantics, i.e. propositional / notional attitudes, de dicto / de re, synonymy, homonymy, equivalence, meaning, sense, denotation, reference. Two kinds of believing, knowing, etc. are distinguished, namely implicit believing of an ideal believer and explicit believing of a logical / mathematical ignorant . A special case of a week, hidden homonymy is considered and we show that when claiming two expressions being synonymous we have to be (...)
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  15. Sémantika vlastných mien : Má teória významu vlastných mien význam?Marián Zouhar - 2000 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 7 (3):257-280.
    The aim of the paper is to argue against well-known Fregean idea according to which the meaning of a proper name determines the referent of the name, and the consequence thereof that semantically interesting proper names can be characterized independently of the notion of referent. The claim that it is meaningful to formulate a theory of meaning only for those names that has referents is defended. Several important morals concerning proper names follow from the claim. 1. The role of a (...)
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    The order and rules in Hayek's concept of freedom.Magdaléna Steinhauser Wesserlová - 2017 - E-Logos 24 (2):13-24.
    Príspevok je zameraný na problém slobody u F. A. Hayeka. Obsah práce je zacielený na analýzu poriadku v spoločnosti. Príspevok sa snaží vymedziť, popísať a analyzovať dva druhy poriadku, a to spontánneho a vytvoreného, a tak nájsť a rozčleniť prvý a najzákladnejší predpoklad pre potreby jasnejšieho zadefinovania negatívneho uchopenia slobody. Cieľom práce je taktiež analyzovať súbor pravidiel vo všeobecnosti, pretože pravidlá ľudského správania zastávajú v Hayekovom ideovom koncepte rovnako významné postavenie ako poriadok. V tejto súvislosti chce text poukázať na kauzálne (...)
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  17. Against Watkins: From a Popperian Point of View.Miloš Taliga - 2004 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 11 (2):143-157.
    Tento článok pojednáva o Watkinsovom útoku na Popperovu teóriu vedy . Watkins tvrdí, že Popperova teória pravdeblízkosti zavádza do PTV justifikacionistické a induktivistické prvky. Cieľom článku je ukázať nepravdivosť Watkinsovej obžaloby. V PTV niet žiadneho dobrého dôvodu pre žiadnu domnienku. Podobne, neexistuje tu ani žiadny „induktívny spôsob“ získavania domnienok.
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    Biopolitics: Animals, meat, food.Nikola Janovic - 2009 - Filozofija I Društvo 20 (2):41-58.
    The general idea of this text is to reflect biopolitical constitution of the society and its implications related to the issues of animal welfare. Since animal in biopolitical formation is technically reduced to an object - commodity for contentment of the industry and of the people needs - critical public advisories are calling from moral, ethical and legal standpoint for attention to the fact that is necessary to protect animals from the unnecessary exploitation. It is obvious that animal protection is (...)
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  19. Sústava vied O kultúre a filozoficko-historickä teória kultúry.Teória Kultúry - 1987 - Filozofia 42:35.
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    An anthropological comparison between two studies of everyday life.Ivana Petkovic - 2003 - Filozofija I Društvo 2003 (22):195-209.
    The paper is based on the experiences of a fieldwork researcher. Two studies of everyday life are compared. In spite of the differences in theoretical frameworks and methodologies, important similarities are identified, leading to identical basic results. These similarities are to be found in the dependence of the everyday survival on political survival, of everyday life on political life, of coping on political developments. The similarity is proved by pointing to the shared broader socio-historical framework in which both studies have (...)
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    Teoria e pratica della ricerca archeologica.Giuseppe Donato, Witold Hensel, Stanislw Tabaczy Nski, Instytut Historii Kultury Materialnej Nauk) & Istituto Per le Tecnologie Applicate Ai Beni Culturali - 1986 - Il Quadrante.
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  22. Filozofické riešenie podstatného určenia a javových foriem kultúry.A. Javových Foriem Kultúry - 1987 - Filozofia 42 (1):46.
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  23. Stanisław dąbrowski.Z. Zagadnień Metodologicznych Semiotyki Kultury, Analizy Wiedzy O. Kulturze Literackiej & I. Wiedza O. Kulturze Literackiej - 1993 - Studia Semiotyczne 18:19.
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  24. Vilmos Voigt.Czy Istnieje Logika Kultury - 1990 - Studia Semiotyczne 16:341.
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    Definition in Aristotle’s Concept of Science.Miroslav Repovský - 2015 - Pro-Fil 16 (1):20.
    Aristotelova koncepcia definície v Druhých analytikách nepredstavuje len zásadný komponent dokazovacej vedy, ale v rôznych podobách je tiež zosobnená v spisoch jednotlivých vied a významným spôsobom ovplyvňuje podobu jeho filozofických a vedeckých skúmaní. I keď je systematickému výkladu spôsobov definovania venovaná celá druhá kniha tohto spisu, plné vyjasnenie účelu definícií sa ukáže až v širšom kontexte Aristotelovho modelu vedy. Cieľom štúdie je systematická interpretácia konceptu definície a predstavenie dvoch hlavných postupov definovania na podklade metódy vedeckého skúmania v spisoch Organonu.Podobu definície (...)
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  26. Časopis ústavu filozofie a sociológie slovenskej akadémie vied.Dialektika Sociälno-Ekonomického, Vedecko-Technického A. Ľudského Rozvoja & V. Procese Výstavby Rozvinutého Socializmu - 1981 - Filozofia 36:3.
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    Two Principles of Justice.Magdaléna Steinhauser Wesserlová - 2018 - E-Logos 25 (1):50-71.
    Príspevok je zameraný na problém spravodlivosti Johna Rawlsa v diele Teória spravodlivosti. Obsah práce je koncipovaný ako analýza dvoch princípov spravodlivosti, pričom sa zameriava na ich ťažiskové aspekty. Príspevok sa snaží vyjasniť význam dvoch zásad spravodlivosti prostredníctvom skúmania obsahového zloženia prvého i druhého princípu. V súvislosti s druhým princípom je cieľom nielen objasniť význam férovej rovnosti príležitostí, ale i vzťah druhého princípu s princípom efektívnosti a vzťah demokratického chápania spravodlivosti s princípom rozdielnosti. Zámerom príspevku je tiež poukázať na (...)
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    架空名義入札に頑健な複数ユニットオークションプロトコル.櫻井 祐子 横尾 真 - 2002 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 17:390-397.
    This paper presents a new multi-unit auction protocol that is robust against false-name bids. Internet auctions have become an integral part of Electronic Commerce and a promising field for applying agent and Artificial Intelligence technologies. Although the Internet provides an excellent infrastructure for executing auctions, the possibility of a new type of cheating called false-name bids has been pointed out. A false-name bid is a bid submitted under a fictitious name. A protocol called LDS has been developed for combinatorial auctions (...)
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    The relationship between L2 motivation and transformative engagement in academic reading among EAP learners: Implications for reading self-regulation.Esmaeel Abdollahzadeh, Mohammad Amini Farsani & Maryam Zandi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study examined the relationship between L2 motivation and engagement in academic reading skill from the lenses of L2 motivational self-system and transformative experience. More specifically, following the transformative experience framework, we investigated the level of students’ engagement in academic reading skills inside and outside English classes. We also explored what motivational factors act as strong predictors of transformative experience and whether L2 motivation and engagement of students differ across different disciplines. Stratified purposive sampling was followed to recruit 419 undergraduate (...)
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    HIV status and age at first marriage among women in Cameroon.Timothy Adair - 2008 - Journal of Biosocial Science 40 (5):743-760.
    Summary Recent research has highlighted the risk of HIV infection for married teenage women compared with their unmarried counterparts (Clark, 2004). This study assesses whether a relationship exists, for women who have completed their adolescence (age 20–29 years), between HIV status with age at first marriage and the length of time between first sex and first marriage. Multivariate analysis utilizing the nationally representative 2004 Cameroon Demographic and Health Survey shows that late-marrying women and those with a longer period of pre-marital (...)
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    Information Rx: Prescribing Good Consumerism and Responsible Citizenship. [REVIEW]Samantha Adams & Antoinette de Bont - 2007 - Health Care Analysis 15 (4):273-290.
    Recent medical informatics and sociological literature has painted the image of a new type of patient—one that is reflexive and informed, with highly specified information needs and perceptions, as well as highly developed skills and tactics for acquiring information. Patients have been re-named “reflexive consumers.” At the same time, literature about the questionable reliability of web-based information has suggested the need to create both user tools that have pre-selected information and special guidelines for individuals to use to check the individual (...)
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    Phenomenal characteristics associated with projecting oneself back into the past and forward into the future: Influence of valence and temporal distance.A. DArgembeau & M. Vanderlinden - 2004 - Consciousness and Cognition 13 (4):844-858.
    As humans, we frequently engage in mental time travel, reliving past experiences and imagining possible future events. This study examined whether similar factors affect the subjective experience associated with remembering the past and imagining the future. Participants mentally “re-experienced” or “pre-experienced” positive and negative events that differed in their temporal distance from the present , and then rated the phenomenal characteristics associated with their representations. For both past and future, representations of positive events were associated with a greater feeling of (...)
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    The Sceptical Optimist: Why Technology Isn't the Answer to Everything.Nicholas Agar - 2015 - Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
    The rapid developments in technologies -- especially computing and the advent of many 'smart' devices, as well as rapid and perpetual communication via the Internet -- has led to a frequently voiced view which Nicholas Agar describes as 'radical optimism'. Radical optimists claim that accelerating technical progress will soon end poverty, disease, and ignorance, and improve our happiness and well-being. Agar disputes the claim that technological progress will automatically produce great improvements in subjective well-being. He argues that radical optimism 'assigns (...)
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    A Systematic Account of the Argumentative Role of Thought Experiments.Michael Agerbo Mørch & Atle Ottesen Søvik - 2024 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 31 (1):2-21.
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    Embodiment and Disorientation: A Phenomenological Analysis of Work from Home During COVID-19.Neha Aggarwal, Saurabh Todariya & Kriti Trehan - 2024 - Human Studies 47 (3):635-649.
    Working from home (WFH) is a new reality and norm in today’s work culture. COVID-induced lockdown introduced the concept of WFH for many people. Blurring home and workplace boundaries was a prominent cause of disorientation in people’s lives. Hence, WFH becomes a significant phenomenon to explore as it raises the fundamental question of body and space in shaping people’s experiences. To study this, the researchers designed a phenomenological inquiry and examined the lived phenomenon of WFH during the COVID lockdown. Borrowing (...)
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    Self-Ownership, the Conflation Problem, and Presumptive Libertarianism: Can the Market Model Support Libertarianism Rather than the Other Way Around?Marcus Agnafors - 2015 - Libertarian Papers 7.
    David Sobel has recently argued that libertarian theories that accept full and strict self-ownership as foundational confront what he calls the conflation problem: if transgressing self-ownership is strictly and stringently forbidden, it is implied that the normative protection against one infringement is precisely as strong as against any other infringement. But this seems to be an absurd consequence. In defense of libertarianism, I argue that the conflation problem can be handled in a way that allows us to honor basic libertarian (...)
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    Does written informed consent adequately inform surgical patients? A cross sectional study.Erminia Agozzino, Sharon Borrelli, Mariagrazia Cancellieri, Fabiola Michela Carfora, Teresa Di Lorenzo & Francesco Attena - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1.
    Informed consent is an essential step in helping patients be aware of consequences of their treatment decisions. With surgery, it is vitally important for patients to understand the risks and benefits of the procedure and decide accordingly. We explored whether a written IC form was provided to patients; whether they read and signed it; whether they communicated orally with the physician; whether these communications influenced patient decisions. Adult postsurgical patients in nine general hospitals of Italy’s Campania Region were interviewed via (...)
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    La domanda sull’uomo e la II Meditazione.Igor Agostini - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 34 (72):1141-1156.
    A questão sobre o homem e a II Meditação Resumo: Neste artigo, analiso a noção pré-filosófica de “homem” discutida por Descartes na Segunda Meditação. Apesar da atenção dirigida a esse tópico pelos contemporâneos de Descartes, em particular Bourdin, os pesquisadores não se demoram sobre tal questão. Argumentarei nas páginas seguintes que a análise da noção pré-filosófica de homem, por parte de Descartes, constitui um caso paradigmático do procedimento seguido na Segunda Meditação para encontrar a distinção. Esse procedimento consiste, de fato, (...)
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    Scientific Evolution of Philosophical Concepts of the Origins of Universe and Life.Cristina de Souza Agostini, Isabel Porto da Silveira & Cauê Cardoso Polla - 2021 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 31.
    In order to demonstrate the great importance of Philosophy in the elaboration of current scientific theories, a parallel was drawn between concepts of pre-Socratic Philosophy and current modern theories. Thus, throughout this essay, the convergences between some elaborations developed by philosophers and their reinterpretation from a scientific point of view, supported by the scientific method and the present technological apparatuses, were exposed. In this sense, having as its core the reflection about the atomic theory of Leucippus and Democritus, we investigate (...)
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    Antecedents and Consequences of Grit Among Working Adults: A Transpersonal Psychology Perspective.Devanshi Agrawal, Surekha Chukkali & Sabah Singh - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Positive psychology has paved the way for newer and more informed ideas of living a meaningful, integrated and well-rounded quality of living. The current era of the pandemic has also moulded the ways in which individuals perceive their quality of life and how they want to integrate a holistic approach towards their well-being. The workplace settings have seen tremendous changes in terms of how employers, employees and the organisations at large function and operate. The pre-pandemic concept of success has shifted (...)
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  41. Sartre on pre-reflective consciousness.M. M. Agrawal - 1988 - Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research (September-December) 121 (September-December):121-127.
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    The Event Divides into Two or the Parallax of Change: Badiou, Žižek, Bosteels, and Johnston.Kelly Louise Rexzy Agra - 2018 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 12 (3).
    This paper takes off from a growing preoccupation in Western political-social philosophy on the thinkability of the materiality of change, that became most pronounced in Alain Badiou's philosophy of the event. It traces the development of the discourse of radical change tied to a materialist theory of subjectivity beginning from Badiou, down to the strong criticism posed against it by Slavoj Žižek. This is then followed by the discussion of Bruno Bosteels' potent defense of Badiou's philosophy. Finally, the last part (...)
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  43. Anagramas filosófico-culturales: Kusch y Glissant.Carlos Aguirre Aguirre - 2024 - Ágora Papeles de Filosofía 43 (1).
    El presente texto se detiene en los principales conceptos de las propuestas filosóficas de Rodolfo Kusch y Édouard Glissant. Primero recurre a la metáfora del viaje para reflexionar el tenor común entre una filosofía dedicada a señalar la potencia del suelo (Kusch) y una poética-filosófica movilizada por problematizar el vínculo de distintos entramados culturales. Seguido de esto, se detiene en la filosofía de Kusch indagando el diálogo de la noción de estar-siendo con una propuesta pre-ontólogica que argumenta la autenticidad americana. (...)
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    Leibniz Y la filosofía de la religión en Nishida kitarô.Z. Agustín Jacinto - 2016 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 57 (133):207-232.
    ABSTRACT This paper is an analysis of the manner Nishida Kitarô, in the process of construction of his own philosophy of religion, enters into dialogue with Leibniz's thought concerning Pre-established Harmony. Although the philosophy of religion is an important theme and Nishida goes back to Leibniz at some points in his textual career, there are relatively few studies that touch on the relationship between these two thinkers. I study Nishida's approach under three headings. The first section concerns ten main aspects (...)
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    You Don’t Need Prime Matter: Welcome Rigid-Kooky Objects.Youssef Aguisoul - forthcoming - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu.
    The problem of destructive change comprises two interrelated questions: (1) is there destructive change? (2) If there is, what underlies it? Classical hylomorphists argue that there is destructive change, understood as the change of primary substances, and that what underlies it is prime matter. Insofar as there is destructive change, I agree with classical hylomorphists. But there are reasons to doubt that prime matter is the underlying substratum, so I disagree with them with respect to (2). Alternatively, I propose a (...)
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    The Question of Virginity Testing in Turkey.Sarap Þahinoðlu Pelin - 2002 - Bioethics 13 (3‐4):256-261.
    Pre‐marital sex for a woman is regarded as wrong in my country. As a result, it is socially forbidden for a woman to engage in this act. In order to present a woman as a virgin on her marriage day, she is subjected to pressure, and put under control both by her family and societal norms. However, a man is free and never made to suffer any of the above. A woman found to be a virgin on her first night (...)
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    Nietzsche and Epicurean Philosophy.A. H. J. Knight - 1933 - Philosophy 8 (32):431 - 445.
    Nietzsche's opinions on philosophy and aesthetics developed under strong and lasting impulses from classical antiquity. These were not always the same, for at various periods in his life Nietzsche placed Heraclitus, Empedocles, Aeschylus, and even Socrates and Plato on the highest summit of wisdom. In his so-called first stage of development the pre-Socratics were generally his favourite thinkers, and in the third and last stage these same figures tend to come into prominence again. On the other hand, in the works (...)
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    Pre-Narrativist Philosophy of History.Jonas Ahlskog - 2023 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 17 (2):195-218.
    Prior to the narrativist turn in the 1970s, philosophy of history focused on action and agency. Seminal pre-narrativist philosophers of history – from Collingwood and Oakeshott to Dilthey and Gadamer – argued that agent-centred action explanation constitutes an irreducible element of historical research. This paper re-examines the agent-centred perspective as one of the key insights of pre-narrativist philosophy of history. This insight has not only been neglected in philosophy of history after the narrativist turn but also fundamentally misunderstood. The paper (...)
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    Do Motives Matter in Male Circumcision? 'Conscientious Objection' Against the Circumcision of a Muslim Child with a Blood Disorder.Ayesha Ahmad - 2013 - Bioethics 28 (2):67-75.
    Whilst there have been serious attempts to locate the practice of male circumcision for religious motives in the context of the (respective) religion's narrative and community, the debate, when referring to a clinical context, is often more nuanced. This article will contribute further to the debate by contextualising the Islamic practice of male circumcision within the clinical setting typical of a contemporary hospital. It specifically develops an additional complication; namely, the child has a pre-existing blood disorder. As an approach to (...)
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    Clinicians learn less and less about more and more until they know nothing about everything; researchers learn more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing: Discuss.Kenneth John Aitken - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (5):358 - 359.
    A number of recent developments in our understanding of the biology of heritability question commonly held views on the immutability of genetic factors. These have numerous potential implications for improving understanding and practice in pre- and postconceptional care and for infant and child mental health, and they carry a cautionary message against overgeneralization.
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